This is why buying drugs with bitcoin is a really bad idea

Bitcoin isn't as anonymous as you might think. Now would be a good time to stop buying drugs with it. Operational security (OpSec) is only as effective as the idiot behind the keyboard. Strong passwords are meaningless when left on Post-it notes; encryption is ineffective when you don’t keep your laptop locked while unattended; and even the strongest deadbolt on the planet can’t protect a door left open. Visit - Bitcoin Video, Cryptocurrency Videos & News #bitcoin #Cryptocurrency #Ethereum #Litecoin #Zcash #Dash #Ripple #Monero #digitalcurrency #blockchain #bitcoinmining #bitcoinprice #Coinbase #NEM #IOTA #Veritaseum #WhatisBitcoin #WhatisCryptocurrency #bitcoincash #bitcoinwallet #Ethereumclassic


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